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U-Fill 1500 ml Dual Cartridge


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U-Fill 1500 makes it profitable to transfer any one part or 1:1 ratio two part adhesive, sealant, coating or mastic, from its original container, to U-Fill 1500 ml cartridges. You can do it on the job site. Fill four U-Fill 1500 ml cartridges in less than 10 minutes. It's simple with our 1500 ml Dual Cartridge U-Fill Station 

What Contractors like about U-Fill

U-fill 1500 makes any project more profitable. If you're currently purchasing pre-packaged 1500ml cartridges from your material supplier, your savings can exceed $100.00, or more, per gallon, with U-Fill 1500.

If you like the simplicity and technical superiority associated with 1500ml applications, but avoid using them on large projects, check out our 16.3L U-Fill Cartridges - two cartridges hold 21x the volume of 1500 ml cartridges - increase your savings and productivity even more.